The Company was established with the purpose of efficient realization of export potential of Ukrainian electrical power industry.
Since its incorporation, the Company has been constantly expanding its scope of activity. As of today the Company has developed a reliable base of business partnership and cooperation in Ukraine and abroad.
Among the Company’s priorities are export and import of electricity, electricity transit provision through the power grid of Ukraine, supplies of energy products.
Owing to the wide application of marketing technologies, optimization of the main business processes, continuous improvement of the Company’s structure, high proficiency and many years’ experience of its employees, SFTC Ukrinterenergo has managed to achieve significant results both in Ukraine and abroad.
Export of electricity
SFTC Ukrinterenergo was the first to carry out electricity export to Eastern European countries and CIS. In particular, electricity export deliveries were made to Hungary, Slovakia, Romania, Poland, Russia, Moldova and Belarus.
Import of electricity
Pursuant to decisions of the Government of Ukraine and the Ministry of Energy, with the purpose to support the balance in Ukrainian power system the Company provided import of electricity from the Power System of Russian Federation to the Unified Power System of Ukraine at various times.
Transit of electricity
Starting from 2002 SFTC Ukrinterenergo has been providing services for electricity transit through the transmission lines of “Burshtyn TPP Island” ensuring the maximum use of transmission capacity of the interstate power transmission lines of Ukraine.
At present SFTC Ukrinterenergo provides transit through transmission lines of “Burshtyn TPP Island”, namely:
- from the power system of Romania to the power system of Slovakia and/or power system of Hungary;
- from the power system of Slovakia to the power system of Romania and/or power system of Hungary;
- from the power system of Hungary to the power system of Slovakia and/or power system of Romania.

Supply of electricity to consumers
Since January 1, 2019, within the framework of the first stage of the state reform of Ukrainian electricity market, SFTC Ukrinterenergo has started to supply electricity to consumers.
The Company offers services of electricity supply to commercial consumers in the entire territory of Ukraine.
By the Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 1023-r dated 12.12.2018 SFTC Ukrinterenergo was appointed by the Government as a Supplier of Last Resort for the period from January 1, 2019 till January 1, 2021. The Company is an exclusive Supplier of Last Resort in the territory of Ukraine.
Fulfillment of the functions of Supplier of Last Resort is one of the public service obligations assigned to electricity market participants in accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On the Electricity Market” in order to ensure general civil interests in the process of the electricity market functioning.
Import of energy products
The Company has many years’ experience of energy products trading such as coal and natural gas produced both in Ukraine and abroad. In the period of coal shortage in the market of Ukraine (2014-2016) SFTC Ukrinterenergo supplied the imported critical grades of steam coal to thermal power plants enabling them to accumulate the required coal reserves pursuant to the protocol decisions of the Ministry of Energy and Coal Industry of Ukraine and to ensure the safe operation of the power system of Ukraine.
Combined heat and power generation
In 2009 Kaluska CHP, designed to generate thermal and electric energy in the town of Kalush, Ivano-Frankivsk Region, was affiliated to SFTC Ukrinterenergo. Kaluska CHP had been a part of the company for 8 years and at the end of 2016 it was spun off into a separate state enterprise. As a part of SFTC Ukrinterenergo the CHP plant underwent a large-scale reconstruction of the main equipment, including maintenance services aiming to restore the plant’s coal-fired operation, which allowed to significantly reduce the cost of cogeneration and ensure the sustainable performance and profitability of Kaluska CHP.
Implementation of projects abroad
Throughout its existence SFTC Ukrinterenergo participated in power projects construction in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.
The Company took part in construction of North-South power transmission line 500 kV, 1500 km long in tropical conditions, as well as in construction of several hydro power plants:
Thac Mo HPP (150 MW), Yali HPP (720 MW), Can Don HPP (72 MW), Srok Phu Mieng HPP (51 MW), as well as the renewal and modernization of the main equipment of Thac Ba HPP (108 MW, with the capacity increase to 120 MW).
The Сompany’s presence on the energy market of Vietnam resulted in foundation of a joint venture Song Da – Ukrin Consulting Engineering Co. Ltd, dealing with design and consulting, technical supervision over power projects in Vietnam and outside the country.
In the internal market SFTC Ukrinterenergo directly participated in providing Ukrainian companies of fuel and energy complex with modern equipment.
The Company actively participated in realization of the program of technical measures, which included reconstruction of the main control board of Burshtyn TPP and supply of the automatic frequency and power control system.
Modern hydraulic turbine speed governors were supplied to Dnistrovska HPP and Tashlytska PSPP.
Within the environmental area of focus, in cooperation with its partners, the Company executed works for technical re-equipment of precipitator at one of Slovianska TPP power units, as well as precipitators at Burshtyn TPP power units.
SFTC Ukrinterenergo, as the state-owned company, has all the financial and technical capabilities to fulfill the tasks of any complexity.
We are grateful to all those who have been cooperating with us and will be happy to find new partners.